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eTwinning National Quality Label

eTwinning quality labels are granted to teachers with excellent eTwinning projects. They show that the project has reached a certain national and European standard.
National Quality Label

What is the eTwinning National Quality Label?

The National Quality Label is a form of recognition for teachers and pupils who have been involved in an excellent eTwinning project. 

The quality label provides:

  • an evaluation based on a common pedagogical framework,
  • an opportunity for teachers to improve their project work.

Is my eTwinning project eligible for a National Quality Label?

You can apply for a National Quality Label if you can answer YES to all the following questions:

  • Does your eTwinning project have common goals and a shared plan?
  • Has it finished or is it going to finish soon?
  • Have you and your pupils contributed to all the project activities?
  • Have you and your partners organised collaborative activities?
  • Have you taken into consideration data protection and copyright issues?

All projects are evaluated on five criteria:

  • Collaboration between partner schools
  • Use of technology
  • Pedagogical approaches
  • Curricular integration
  • Results and documentation.

In addition, to be eligible for a quality label (national and/or European), you need to achieve at least the minimum required points in the following sub-criteria: 

  • strategies for online collaboration among pupils from the partner schools, 
  • use of ICT (all digital technological tools)
  • GDPR, copyright and eSafety issues.

How can I apply for a National Quality Label?

To apply for a National Quality Label, you should:

  • Log into the eTwinning area on the European School Education Platform
  • Go to “Projects”
  • Find your project and click on ”Apply for a quality label”
  • Complete all the boxes with all the required information and provide evidence of your work.

You can follow all the above steps for each of your projects that you think deserves a National Quality Label, but you cannot apply for more than four projects each school year.

Only European projects (with founders from two different countries) can apply for a National Quality Label. National projects (with founders from the same country) cannot apply for a National Quality Label even if they add partners from another country at a later stage.

Useful tips

It's a good idea to first complete all the information in a Word document and then copy and paste your answers into the application form. This will prevent losing what’s written in the form. Provide plenty of information about the non-visible aspects of the project, as the evaluators will see all the visible work in TwinSpace.

The National Quality Label is granted to a teacher, and it is personal. Even if they work with other colleagues in their school on the same project, each teacher should apply for a quality label and explain how they contributed to the project. The quality label is granted to the teachers who actively and visibly contributed to the project activities.

What are the criteria for quality labels?

Use the checklist below when planning and implementing a project to check if it meets the quality label criteria.

Collaboration between partner schools:

  • collaboration activities go beyond communication
  • partner schools work together to accomplish joint activities
  • partners are not just recipients of information
  • collaborative activities result in a tangible outcome.

Use of technology:

  • technology is used to help partners achieve their pedagogical objectives
  • the tools used help partners to collaborate better among themselves.

Pedagogical approaches:

  • the project has an original theme
  • it uses a variety of pedagogical methods
  • pupils take the lead
  • pupils interact with their partners and work collaboratively using different methods such as information gathering, problem solving, research and comparative work
  • pupils take on different roles such as artists, journalists, technicians, scientists and actors.

Curricular integration:

  • the project is rooted in the school curriculum
  • the majority of the project work is done during school hours
  • the curricular integration in the project is clear
  • project work allows students to develop their skills and competences
  • the project-based pedagogical framework has been explained and documented by the teacher.

Results and documentation: 

  • project results are presented online
  • pupils are involved in the TwinSpace
  • all steps of the project are documented, including planning, descriptions of activities, evaluation and feedback
  • the impact of the project on the students and teachers involved has been evaluated and published.

Who awards the quality label?

The NSO in each country evaluates applications for the National Quality Label. Labels are awarded throughout the year, however, in some countries there are fixed deadlines. Be sure to consult your NSO for information about the deadlines in your country. Your NSO will contact you once your application has been accepted or rejected.

Further information 

The eTwinning National Quality Label infosheet and the checklist to plan and implement your project against the quality label criteria are available in 29 languages.


European recognition scheme for digital competencies

As part of the European School Education Platform's professional development offer for teachers and schools, we have designed a scheme to recognise teachers’ digital competencies at European level. The learning outcomes of the DigCompEdu and the SELFIE for TEACHERS toolkit have been linked with the eTwinning National Quality Label quality criteria and the learning outcomes of the professional development activities provided by the European School Education Platform. Find out more about the European recognition scheme for teachers’ digital competencies